Supportive Responding
Many survivors just the opportunity to share their story. Reactions to disclosures of sexual violence can have a major impact on their recovery. Negative reactions like yelling or disbelief can further silence victims. Try to remain calm, objective, open, and encouraging while survivors share their stories.
Avoiding Stigma
The stigma around sexual violence is a barrier to survivors seeking help. Try to remain sensitive and non-judgmental. Protecting the privacy and self-esteem of survivors goes a long way in helping them to heal.
Healing through Faith
Many survivors rely heavily on faith in the aftermath of sexual violence. Praying for and with survivors may help them achieve healing and forgiveness through faith.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual behaviour that makes someone feel upset, scared, offended or humiliated, or is meant to make them feel that way.
Raise Awareness
Information is power. Many survivors are unaware that what they have experienced is sexual violence. Promoting awareness within the community helps others become more knowledgeable and creates a space where survivors feel safe to seek help or share their story.
Female Empowerment
Feeling empowered can be a very healing experience for survivors. Supporting efforts to offer women greater financial, employment, and social security can help reduce exposure to risky situations. Providing women and girls with basic self-defense knowledge or tools can increase their sense of safety and self-efficacy.
Be Proactive
Many women, especially young girls, do not know that they can and/or should disclose experiences of sexual violence. Teaching young girls that they can safely confide in family members or other trusted adults is essential.